So I finally got back to the minarelli project and sealed up the base gasket. I dropped the 45 jet to a 37 since it was bogging after the atomizer change (*gasp*). Fired her up and started tuning the idle circuit. Filter on and running it would net me a blaaaaaack plug, real black. Also, in order to idle the idle screw had to be all the way in. Um, weird. Also, the blip test would only net me a crisp response with the mixture screw all the way in, wtf, its a 37 idle jet for gods sake. I started considering what affects the idle...the jet, the screw and....wait for it....the slide! My bike had the small cut 30 slide in it so I decided to drop in a 40, no other changes. Started her back up and the bitch was idling crazy high. Screwed the idle out almost all the way to get an ok idle but still fast. Now I started turning out the mixture screw and the idle began to drop...turn idle screw in. Ultimately I have the mixture out like four turns with the smoothest idle ever and the most crisp response of any bike I have. Now I think I can go back up to a 45 idle and wrap things up and work on the main jet and needle. Goes to show there is a lot more to tuning than just the jets and the needle. I think the atomizer is a legitimate issue for those with certain issues, but I also think you should take into consideration your slide as well.
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