Peek at the filler slug: Not Pretty!!!

Ive also been doing battle with a leaky head since I got her running. Ive milled it, sanded it on glass and put a fresh annealed copper gasket in it....still leaks! Fuck! Gonna try gluing it again.

Was it worth it? Well I seized it shortly after riding it. Not sure if the case volume changed up the mix or if I sprung a leak. After resealing things I took her out again but ran upjeted to a 78 from a 74 and she took it without hesitation. I did pick up top speed from 43.9 to 46.9. 3mph sounds good but the plug isnt dark enough for me. I think im going to glue the head down and upjet even more...I know I should be down jetting while tuning but WTF, weirdness....
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